Saturday, September 26, 2015

Wolkenritter New Journey on GE EU

Its been two week since the family start a new journey to GE EU. There are so many changes in game systems and quest but overall with on going event in EU it makes the old quest easier for new pioneer. Last night hot event reward is so cool but i had difficulties when warp into reboldoux channel 1 since there a tons of ppl there groping the angels. Here is the list of ongoing event in GE EU:

  1. Gear Up Your Spring Journey
  2. The Best Ever Blowout Support is Coming!

The only minus point is the very high tax rate in every town (all 20% except kielce and armonia). Well we joined BroArmy Faction which is currently recruiting and aiming to reach family level 30 this week. Yesterday we finished Valeria recruiting quest which is nearly imppossible with my ex family in sGE or t3Fun.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Raven Recruitment Quest

Prequisite: Completion of Al Quetz Moreza, Holy Water Chamber Quest, Completion of Catherine Torsche Recruitment Quest, Completion of the 5 Elements - Otite Quest, Completion Red Sunset Forest Quest By Lionel (Byron) (Optional)

Recruitment Quest
1. Go to Red Sunset Forest, and trigger a quest "Castle's butler Raven", move towards Raven & trigger a combat mission
2. In the combat mission, you'll need to defeat a Red Hair Fighter & 6 Fordoi and talk to Raven
3. After talking to Raven, proceed to Pradera de Ceniza (J7) to talk to Gavin (Must Complete Gavin Quest to proceed)
4. Go back and talk to Raven with Gavin as leader
5. You'll need to choose between 2 Quest  routes (Pay) or (Free) to proceed with Raven Recruitment Quest.

Byron Quests

0. An Island Called "World's End"

Prerequisite: Family level 20+, Completed 5 Elements - Otite Quest, Hidden Holy Water Chamber, Catherine Torsche recruitment quest, characters level Master

1. Visit Byron to start quest
2. Talk to Vespanola Navy Officer (F10)
3. Talk to Lionel (F6)
4. Talk to Pharrel (C7)
5. Talk to Lionel

Pegadila Mercenaries

Prerequisite : Family level 20 and above, neutral faction or without faction

1. Go to Pegadila (Port of Coimbra B9) and talk to Mercenary soldier (D5)
2. Speak to Gerar Loren twice
3. You will need to defeat enemies in 3 round fight:

Secret Society: Esmero

Prerequisite_: Family level 20 and above

Reward_: */Secret Society: Esmero promotion/*, Esmero medal (Ctrl + L),
Veteran G EXP Card x3, Veteran Enchantment Chip x5, Damaged Ancient
Glazium x2, Medal of Honor.

1. Quest given automatically once you join (or already member of) Royalist's faction and moving any town
2. Go Cite de Reboldoeux and talk to Sir Lyndon
3. Kill Gray Wolf boss in Fury Farm (once per week faction mission). Only one squad, which deal most damage, will get kill count.
4. Talk to Sir Lyndon.
5. Go Byron and talk to Veronif.
6. Bring 2x Devil's Skull, 2x Gavi di Gavi's Targa Iron Piece and Sabertiger's Mustache
    Sabertiger's Mustache can be found by killing Sabel Tiger in Fury
    Rafflesia faction mission.
    Devil's Skull can be found by killing Skullic General
    Gavi di Gavi's Targa Iron Piece can be found by killing Gavi di Gavi

Castilla Mine

Castilla Mine can be entered at the new location Castilla, Garrison 1 at H3. To get to garrison 1 talk to the castilla NPC at Port of Coimbra E7.

Entrance Fees:
This raid can be done with 1-8 families, and the first try for the day is always free.
Second and third tries need a ancient relic to enter, and for the fourth and fifth times you need 2 ancient relics to enter.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Lazy Days

This week seems so boring, the family doing is just daily kielce and afk in ancient Castilla. The family also in the middle of penalty after leaving the current faction. The only thing that stand out this week is, our first craft grade 30 leather armor, 'Elite Arcanero Plate'. Emilia who craft this armor luckily made it to +5 with no option. The family leave it in Leonardo and saving for it next chipping. Yesterday alchemy give 2 EJ and a Dream of Devil, which now gone to be a "Martial Art Compendium Stance Book'. We decided to give it to Baek Ho and continue afk.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Weekend Summary

The family encountered game problem after the maintenance with brestia update in thursday. The family did last weekend is mostly afk at ancient csatilla temple, just know that kriptonyte drops there and stone of soul plus red jewel fragment as their quest rewards.
At Saturday morning i decided to kill some time in byron and try alchemy. Its my first try, so before it i googling for help what alchemy is and what is the reward. Found a note about it that say low level are good to obtain cook stone, mid level are for jewels, high level are for DH, EJ, rings, perfect level are for dream devil and principal ring. Of course its pure gambling. I tried high lvl with 5+5+4 level and it give some dream devil, tried the mid lvl with 5+3+3 and it give some ej, rings, stats potions. Those EJ then become my first 'Enhanced Tactics Stance Book', with the exp card from current event i leveled up Emilia to be Expert and learn ET.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Mine Passage - Merman Eater's Nest

This mission was first introduced in v10.4.1.

Mission Information
Location: Coimbra Nimrod Bridge (I5)
Entry Cost: Key [Mine Passage - Merman Eater's Nest]
Frequency: 1/day
Participants: 1-12 (v10.18)
Duration: 20 minutes

The key can be acquired from Wandering Merchant in Bahama Base Camp (E3) with Expedition Box x30, which commonly drops in all 4 Bahama swamp maps (but not Underground Cave). 

Strange Dungeon - Gullfaxi

See Coimbra Bridge Missions for a list of other available missions. This mission was first introduced in v10.4.1.

Mission Information
Location: Coimbra Nimrod Bridge (I5)
Entry Cost: Key [Strange Dungeon - Gullfaxi] (1 per family)
Frequency: 1/day
Duration: 20 minutes
Participants (v10.4.1): 1-10 families (MCC3)
Participants (v10.18): 1-12 families (MCC3)
Reward Type: Roulette

The key can be acquired from Wandering Merchant in Bahama Base Camp (E3) with Expedition Memo x30, which commonly drops in all 4 Bahama swamp maps (but not Underground Cave).

Balanced Room - Nightmare Unicorn

See Coimbra Bridge Missions for a list of other available missions. This mission was first introduced in v10.4.1.

Mission Information
Location: Coimbra Nimrod Bridge (I5)
Entry Cost: Key [Balanced Room - Nightmare Unicorn] (1 per family)
Frequency: 1/day
Duration: 20 minutes
Participants (v10.18): 1-12 families (MCC3)
Reward Type: Roulette

The key can be acquired from Wandering Merchant in Bahama Base Camp (E3) with Expedition Memo x30, which commonly drops in all 4 Bahama swamp maps (but not Underground Cave).

Dark Swamp - Angler Hunting Ground

See Coimbra Bridge Missions for a list of other available missions. This mission was first introduced in v10.4.1.

Mission Information
Location: Coimbra Nimrod Bridge (I5)
Entry Cost: Key [Dark Swamp - Angler Hunting Ground] (1 per family)
Frequency: 1/day
Duration: 20 minutes
Participants (v10.4.1): 1-10 families (MCC3)
Participants (v10.18): 1-12 families (MCC3)
Reward Type: Roulette

The key can be acquired from Wandering Merchant in Bahama Base Camp (E3) with Expedition Memo x30, which commonly drops in all 4 Bahama swamp maps (but not Underground Cave).

Ice Wizard's Tower - Leo Room Bahama

This mission was first introduced in v10.4.1.

Mission Information
Location: Coimbra Nimrod Bridge (I5)
Entry Cost: Key [Ice Wizard's Tower - Leo Room]
Frequency: 1/day
Participants: 1-10 (v10.4.1), 1-12 (v10.18)
Duration: 20 minutes

The key can be acquired from Wandering Merchant in Bahama Base Camp (E3) with 30 Expedition Boxes, which commonly drops in all 4 Bahama Swamp maps.

Chibi Maker

I found this very interesting, give some hint for drawing next chibi char ^ ^


Last night raid was Eigles' night, after a week of no good loot, he finally got 2 constelation box from roullette in Unicorn and Leo. The boxes contain a Symbol of Taurus and Symbol of Aquarius. Grats for him and i just got 80 piece Exp Card Grade 69 which i spend to make Ania became a Veteran.

Argenti keeps denying to join further daily mission, he says that he havent afk in Bahama Marshland for a while.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Dark Cloud

This week, Jakarta and its surrounding will be raining at day and night. It was very hot last Friday night and raining continously in three days since Saturday. The weather forecast says that Jakarta will rain again tomorrow.
Those extreme change takes toll on me, my head spinning and cant wear glasses. I slept in my office desk today, since its unbearable. Well i hope this doesnt affect the internet connection for this week. Got lazy after clearing Katovic and got Gavin Card, park all day in Bahama Ancient ...

Sunday, March 3, 2013

General of the Raging Fire

After we went to hospital to check our baby development, i decided to sell our viscount ring to gear up the main team. The ring finally sold at 300m, a little cheaper than market price but its okay. So i decided to learn Tronada Cruz for Signum (F. Fighter) and Shadow Sting for Agiri (Calyce). Thus Agiri just lvl up using 70 Vet G Exp Card and reach Expert. Still waiting Agiri can be brought into action, need more leather armor and good crossbow.
The raid today went good for me but my raidmate seem in hatred since i got 3 boxes in just 4 day. Today loot is a symbol of scorpio and few lv 100 weps and 3 e92 armor but everything is broken when i attempt enhance to +6. So sad that Agiri might still wear her old clothes.