Monday, March 11, 2013

Weekend Summary

The family encountered game problem after the maintenance with brestia update in thursday. The family did last weekend is mostly afk at ancient csatilla temple, just know that kriptonyte drops there and stone of soul plus red jewel fragment as their quest rewards.
At Saturday morning i decided to kill some time in byron and try alchemy. Its my first try, so before it i googling for help what alchemy is and what is the reward. Found a note about it that say low level are good to obtain cook stone, mid level are for jewels, high level are for DH, EJ, rings, perfect level are for dream devil and principal ring. Of course its pure gambling. I tried high lvl with 5+5+4 level and it give some dream devil, tried the mid lvl with 5+3+3 and it give some ej, rings, stats potions. Those EJ then become my first 'Enhanced Tactics Stance Book', with the exp card from current event i leveled up Emilia to be Expert and learn ET.

Since its saturday and its boring to just afk somewhere so i decided to try Torche Recruitment Quest, and equip my Catherine INT with +5 Le Noir +3 DR plus blunt and shield. I added Demon Wing so she has more DR and HP to make her stay alive in the mission. Since i brought only fighter and musketeer, the damage dealer is musk and the fighter must keep monster aggro at her. The mission is clear after long fought battle since i convert all my family stats for more Con and Block rate. After retur to Dr. Torche Lab and talk to him he want us to take care of his Catherine.
After that our faction leader invite us to join Bounty Hunter raid, i missed the 1st round of IWT-ST run and join after that. At the last IWT run, i got 2 Le Noir Scout and one of them with +3 DR. I decided to make it +5 and give it to Agiri (Calyce) after she became a Master.
Nothing special on Sunday since i got headache all day till night, at Sunday morning, i decide to spend my vis to craft Golden Feet for Bai Hu and Golden Damascus for Rascel or whoever need.

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